Composers Index

Listing works by Adams, John (1947- )

Absolute Jest for String Quartet and Orchestra
A Flowering Tree
Batter My Heart, Three Person'd God from Doctor Atomic
Century Rolls
Chamber Symphony
Choruses from The Death of Klinghoffer
City Noir
Common Tones in Simple Time
Doctor Atomic Symphony
Easter Eve 1945 from Doctor Atomic
El Dorado
El Niño
Eros Piano
Fearful Symmetries
Grand Pianola Music
Guide to Strange Places
I Am The Wife Of from Nixon in China
Lola Montez Does the Spider Dance
Must the Devil Have All the Good Tunes?
My Father Knew Charles Ives
Naïve and Sentimental Music
Nixon in China
On the Transmigration of Souls
Short Ride in a Fast Machine
Slonimsky's Earbox
Son of Chamber Symphony
The Chairman Dances (4 player version)
The Chairman Dances (5 player version)
The Death of Kinghoffer
The Dharma at Big Sur
The Gospel According to the Other Mary
The Nixon Tapes (version 1)
The Nixon Tapes (version 3)
The Wound Dresser
Tromba Lontana
Violin Concerto

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