Composers Index

Listing works by Prokofiev, Sergei (1891-1953)

Across a Little Bridge Cavalry March Op.69 No.4
Alexander Nevsky Op.78
American Overture (Full Orchestra version) Op.42
Andante from Fourth Piano Sonata Op.29 bis
A Summer Day Op.65 bis
A Summer Day Op.65
A Toast to Stalin (Zdravitsa) Op.85
Boris Godunov Op.70 bis
Cello Concertino Op.132 completed Rostropovich, orchestrated Kabalevsky
Cello Concertino Op.132 arr. Vladimir Blok
Cello Concerto Op.58
Chant Symphonique Op.57
Chout Op.21
Chout Suite Op.21 bis
Cinderella Ballet Op.87
Cinderella Suite No.1 Op.107
Cinderella Suite No.2 Op.108
Cinderella Suite No.3 Op.109
Dance of the Masks from The Duenna (Betrothal in a Monastery) Op.86
Divertissement Op.43
Egyptian Nights Symphonic Suite Op.61
Eugene Onegin Op.71
Festive Poem Op.113
Flute Concerto orch. Palmer
Four Portraits and Dénouement from the Opera "The Gambler" Op.49
Hamlet Op.77
Ivan the Terrible Op.116
Ivan the Terrible Concert Suite arr. C Palmer/Stasevich (1990)
Le Pas D'Acier Op.41
Lieutenant Kijé Suite Op.60
Love for Three Oranges March Op.33b
Love for Three Oranges Scherzo Op.33b
Love for Three Oranges Symphonic Suite Op.33a
Maddalena Op.13
March Op.99
March for a Spartakiade Op.69 No.1
March for the Muzgiz Competition Op.69 No.3
Marching Song Op.69 No.2
Ode to the End of the War Op.105
On Guard for Peace Op.124
On the Dnieper Ballet Op.51
On the Dnieper Suite Op.51 bis
Overture on Hebrew Themes Op.34
Peter and the Wolf Op.67
Piano Concerto No.1 Op.10
Piano Concerto No.2 Op.16
Piano Concerto No.3 Op.26
Piano Concerto No.4 Op.53
Piano Concerto No.5 Op.55
Prosper, our mighty land! Op.114
Rêves Op.6
Romeo and Juliet Ballet Op.64
Romeo and Juliet Suite No.1 Op.64a
Romeo and Juliet Suite No.2 Op.64-ter
Romeo and Juliet Suite No.3 Op.101
Russian Overture Op.72
Scythian Suite (Ala and Lolly) Op.20
Semyon Kotko Op.81
Semyon Kotko Suite Op.81 bis
Seven, They Are Seven Cantata (revised 1933) Op.30
Sinfonia Concertante Op.125
Songs of Our Times Op.76
Suite from War and Peace Op.91 arr. N. Aeschbacher
Summer Night Op.123 from The Duenna (Betrothel in a Monastery) Op.86
Symphony No.1 "Classical" Op.25
Symphony No.2 Op.40
Symphony No.3 Op.44
Symphony No.4 (first version, 1930) Op.47
Symphony No.4 (second version, 1947) Op.112
Symphony No.5 Op.100
Symphony No.6 Op.111
Symphony No.7 Op.131
The Duenna (Betrothal in a Monastery) Op.86
The Fiery Angel Op.37
The Love for Three Oranges Op.33
The Meeting of the Volga and the Don Op.130
The Prodigal Son Op.46
The Tale of the Stone Flower Op.118
The Ugly Duckling Op.18
The Year 1941 Suite Op.90
Two Choral Songs Op.7
Two Pushkin Waltzes Op.120
Violin Concerto No.1 Op.19
Violin Concerto No.2 Op.63
Waltz Suite Op.110
War and Peace Op.91
War and Peace Epigraph & Overture Op.91
War and Peace Symphonic Suite arr. Christopher Palmer (1988)
Wedding Suite from The Tale of the Stone Flower Op.126
Winter Bonfire Suite Op.122

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