Composers Index

Listing works by Saint-Saëns, Camille (1835-1921)

Africa Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra Op.89
Airs de Ballet from Étienne Marcel
Airs de Ballet from Les Barbares
Andromaque Overture
Bacchanale from Samson and Dalila Op.47
Ballet d'Asciano
Ballet - Divertissement from Henry VIII
Caprice Andalous Op.122
Cello Concerto No.1 Op.33
Cello Concerto No.2 Op.119
Coeli Enarrant (The Heavens Declare) Op.42
Coronation March (March du Couronnement) Op.117
Cyprès et Lauriers Op.156
Dance of Dagon's Priestesses from Samson and Dalila Op.47
Danse Macabre Op.40
Gavotte Op.23
Havanaise Op.83
Henry VIII
Henry VIII Ballet Music
Hymne A Victor Hugo Op.69
Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso Op.28
La Foi Op.130
La Jeunesse d'Hercule Op.50
La Jota Aragonese Op.64
La Muse et La Poète Op.132
La Princesse Jaune Overture Op.30
Le Déluge Op.45
Le Rouet d'Omphale (Omphale's Spinning Wheel) Op.31
Les Barbares
Les Barbares Prologue
Les Noces de Prométhée Op.19
Marche Heroique Op.34
Morceau de Concert for Harp and Orchestra Op.154
Morceau de Concert for Horn and Orchestra Op.94
Morceau de Concert for Violin and Orchestra Op.62
Nuit Persane Op.26bis
Orient et Occident Op.25
Ouverture de Fête Op.133
Phaéton Op.39
Phryné Introduction
Piano Concerto No.1 Op.17
Piano Concerto No.2 Op.22
Piano Concerto No.3 Op.29
Piano Concerto No.4 Op.44
Piano Concerto No.5 Op.103
Prelude to Act 2 from Les Barbares
Prelude to Act 2 from Proserpine
Prelude to Act 3 from Les Barbares
Prelude to Déjanire
Proserpine Prelude
Rhapsodie d'Auvergne Op.73
Romance for Flute or Violin and Orchestra Op.37
Samson and Dalila Op.47
Sarabande et Rigaudon Op.93
Spartacus Overture
Suite Algerienne Op.60
Suite for Orchestra Op.49
Symphony in A major
Symphony in F major 'Urbs Roma'
Symphony No.1 Op.2
Symphony No.2 Op.55
Symphony No.3 (Organ) Op.78
Tarantelle for Flute, Clarinet and Orchestra Op.6
The Carnival of the Animals
Violin Concerto No.1 Op.20
Violin Concerto No.2 Op.58
Violin Concerto No.3 Op.61

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