Composers Index

Listing works by Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842-1900)

Boer War Te Deum Laudamus (1900)
Cello Concerto
Cox and Box
Entrance and March of the Peers from Iolanthe arr. William H. Irving
Festival Te Deum
Four Pieces from The Yeoman of the Guard arr. David Stone
HMS Pinafore
HMS Pinafore Overture
Iolanthe Overture
Kenilworth Op.4
Mascarade of Merchant of Venice Suite
No.8 Poor Wandering One from The Pirates of Penzance
Overture di Ballo
Overture in C (In Memoriam)
Pineapple Poll Suite arr. Mackeras
Ruddigore Overture
Sentry Song "When all night long" from Iolanthe
Symphony in E (Irish)
The Golden Legend
The Gondoliers
The Gondoliers Overture
The Mikado
The Mikado Overture
The Pirates of Penzance
The Pirates of Penzance Overture
The Yeomen of the Guard
The Yeomen of the Guard Oveture
Trial by Jury

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