Composers Index

Listing works by Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958)

Concerto for One or Two Pianos and Orchestra
Dona Nobis Pacem
Fantasia on Christmas Carols
Fantasia on the 'Old 104th' Psalm Tune
Five Mystical Songs
Five Tudor Portraits
Flos Campi
Folk Songs of the Four Seasons
In the Fen Country
March Past of the Kitchen Utensils from The Wasps
Norfolk Rhapsody No.1 in E minor
Old King Cole Ballet
On Wenlock Edge
Pilgrim's Journey (strings & piano version) arr. Douglas
Riders to the Sea
Sancta Civitas
Scott of the Antarctic [Composer's Cut]
Sea Songs March arr.
Serenade to Music
Suite "English Folk Songs"
Suite for Viola and Small Orchestra
Symphony No.1 "A Sea Symphony"
Symphony No.2 "A London Symphony"
Symphony No.3 "Pastoral Symphony"
Symphony No.4
Symphony No.5
Symphony No.6
Symphony No.7 "Sinfonia Antartica"
Symphony No.8
Symphony No.9
The Lark Ascending
The Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains
The Wasps Overture
The Wasps Suite
Three Portraits from 'The England of Elizabeth'
Toward the Unknown Region
Tuba Concerto
Two Shakespeare Sketches arr. Muir Mathieson

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