Composers Index

Listing works by Bloch, Ernest (1880-1959)

Concertino for Flute, Viola and Orchestra
Concerto Symphonique
In Memoriam
In the Night
Israel Symphony for Orchestra
Poèmes d'Automne
Poems of the Sea
Proclamation for Trumpet and Orchestra
Psalm 22
Scherzo Fantasque
Sinfonia Breve
Suite for Viola and Orchestra
Suite Hebraique
Suite Symphonique
Symphony for Trombone and Orchestra
Symphony in C# minor
Symphony in Eb
Trois Poemes Juifs (Three Jewish Poems)
Two Last Poems (Maybe…)
Two Psalms for Soprano and Orchestra
Two Symphonic Interludes from Macbeth
Violin Concerto
Voice in the Wilderness
Winter-Spring (Hiver-Printemps)

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