Composers Index

Listing works by Schuman, William (1910-1992)

A Free Song: Secular Cantata No.2
American Festival Overture
American Hymn - Orchestra Variations on an Original Melody
Circus Overture
Credendum (Article of Faith)
Dances: Divertimento for wind quintet and percussion.
In Praise of Shahn. Canticle for orchestra
New England Triptych
On Freedom's Ground
Prayer in Time of War
Prologue for Chorus and Orchestra
Showcase, A Short Display for Orchestra
Symphony No.10: American Muse
Symphony No.3
Symphony No.4
Symphony No.6
Symphony No.7
Symphony No.8
Symphony No.9: Le Fosse Ardeatine
Three Colloquies for French Horn and Orchestra
To thee old cause
Violin Concerto
Voyage for Orchestra

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