Composers Index

Listing works by Bax, Arnold (1883-1953)

Cello Concerto
Christmas Eve (1912, rev. 1921)
Coronation March
In a Vodka Shop orch. Johnson
In Memoriam Pádraig Pearse
In the Faery Hills
November Woods
Overture, Elegy and Rondo
Overture to Adventure
Overture to a Picaresque Comedy
Prelude for a Solemn Occasion (Third Northern Ballad)
Spring Fire
Summer Music
Symphony No.1
Symphony No.2
Symphony No.3
Symphony No.4
Symphony No.5
Symphony No.6
Symphony No.7
The Garden of Fand
The Happy Forest
The Princess's Rose Garden orch. Johnson
The Tale the Pine-Trees Knew

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