Composers Index

Listing works by MacMillan, James (1959- )

3 Dawn Rituals
A Choral Sequence from the St John Passion
A Deep but Dazzling Darkness
A European Requiem
A Little Mass
All the Hills and Vales Along
A Meditation on Iona
A Scotch Bestiary
...As others see us...
Cantos Sagrados
Catherine's Lullabies
Cello Concerto
Christmas Oratorio
Concerto for Orchestra (Ghosts)
Exsultet (version for Brass Quintet and optional Percussion)
Exsultet (version for Symphonic Brass)
Fanfare Upon One Note
Festival Fanfares
Fiat Lux
From Ayrshire for Violin and Orchestra
Hodie Puer Nascitur
Into the Ferment
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
Mass of Blessed John Henry Newman
Mémoire Impériale
Oboe Concerto
Percussion Concerto No.2
Piano Concerto No.3 (The Mysteries of Light)
Playing the Skyline
Seven Angels
Sowetan Spring
St. John Passion
St. Luke Passion
Stomp (with Fate and Elvira)
Summae Trinitati
Symphonic Study
Symphony No.2
Symphony No.3 'Silence'
Symphony No.4
Symphony No.5 'Le Grand Inconnu'
Symphony 'Vigil'
The Beserking (Piano Concerto)
The Birds of Rhiannon
The Confession of Isobel Gowdie
The Death of Oscar
The Exorcism of Rio Sumpul
The Keening
The Prophecy
The Sacrifice
The Sacrifice: Three Interludes
The Sun Danced
The World's Ransoming
They Saw the Stone Had Been Rolled Away (alternative version)
They Saw the Stone Had Been Rolled Away (original version)
Three Scottish Songs for Tenor and Ensemble
Timotheus, Bacchus and Cecilia
Trombone Concerto
Tu es Petrus
Two Visions of Hoy
Veni, Veni, Emmanuel
Viola Concerto
Violin Concerto
Violin Concerto No.2
Visitatio Sepulchri
Woman of the Apocalypse

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