Composers Index

Listing works by Maxwell Davies, Peter (1934-2016)

A Dance on the Hill
A Mirror of Whitening Light
An Orkney Wedding with Sunrise
A Reel of Seven Fishermen
Ave Maris Stella
Black Pentecost
Blind Man's Buff
Canticum Canticorum
Caroline Mathilde
Chat Moss
Dances from The Two Fiddlers
De Assumtione Beatae Mariae Virginis
Dunstable:Veni Sancte-Veni Creator Spiritus
Ecce Manus Tradentis
Eight Songs for a Mad King
Fantasia and Two Pavans after Henry Purcell
Fantasia upon One Note
First Fantasia on an in Nomine of John Taverner
First Ferry to Hoy
Five Klee Pictures
Five Voluntaries
Fool's Fanfare
Four Instrumental Motets
From Stone to Thorn
High on the Slopes of Terror
Hymn to St. Magnus
Image, Reflection, Shadow
Jimmack the Postie Overture
Kinloche his Fantassie
Le Jongleur de Notre Dame
Manacus Super 'Dona nobis'
Maxwell's Reel, with Northern Lights
Missa Super L'Homme Arme
Miss Donnithorne's Maggot
Musica Benevolens
My Lady Lothian's Lilt
Ojai Festival Overture
O Magnum Mysterium: Instrumental Sonatas
Orkney Saga I
Piano Concerto
Piccolo Concerto
Points and Dances from "Taverner"
Revelation and Fall
Runes from a Holy Island
Sea Elegy
Second Fantasia on John Taverner's In Nomine
Shakespeare Music
Sinfonia Concertante
Sir Charles his Pavan
Stedman Doubles (1968 revised version)
Stone Litany
Strathclyde Concerto No.10 (Concerto for Orchestra)
Strathclyde Concerto No.1 for Oboe and Orchestra
Strathclyde Concerto No.2 for Cello and Orchestra
Strathclyde Concerto No.3 for Horn, Trumpet and Orchestra
Strathclyde Concerto No.4 for Clarinet and Orchestra
Strathclyde Concerto No.8 for Bassoon and Orchestra
St. Thomas Wake
Symphony No.1
Symphony No.2
Symphony No.3
Symphony No.4
Symphony No.5
Symphony No.6
Symphony No.7
Symphony No.8 'Antarctic'
Te Lucis Ante Terminum
The Bairns of Brugh
The Beltane Fire
The Birds
The Blind Fiddler
The Lighthouse
The Martyrdom of St. Magnus
The Shepherds' Calendar
Threnody on a Plainsong for Michael Vyner
Throstle's Nest Junction
Time and the Raven
Trumpet Concerto
Veni Sancte - Veni Creator Spiritus
Versalii Icones
Violin Concerto
Worldes Bliss

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