Composers Index

Listing works by Menotti, Gian Carlo (1911-2007)

Amahl and the Night Visitors
Apocalypse (Apocalisse)
Baba's Aria from The Medium
Double Bass Concerto
Errand into the Maze
Fantasia for Cello and Orchestra
Introduction, March and Shepherd's Dance from Amahl and the Night Visitors
Jacob's Prayer
Lewisohn Stadium Fanfare
Lucy's Aria from The Telephone
Missa "O Pulchritudo"
Monica's Waltz from "The Medium"
My Christmas
Sebastian Ballet Suite
The Black Swan from The Medium
The Death of Orpheus
The Death of the Bishop of Brindisi
The Shepherds' Chorus from "Amahl and the Night Visitors"
The Telephone
To This We've Come (Magda's Aria from The Consul)
Triple Concerto a tre
Violin Concerto

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