Composers Index

Listing works by Schmitt, Florent (1870-1958)

Anthony and Cleopatra Suite No.1 Op.69
Anthony and Cleopatra Suite No.2 Op.69
Chant Élégiaque Op.24
Etude Op.49
Feuillets de Voyage Op.26
La Tragedie de Salome Op.50
Légende for Viola or Alto Saxophone and Orchestra Op.66
Musiques de plein air Op.44
Psalm 47 Op.38
Pupazzi Op.36
Rapsodie Viennoise Op.53
Rêves Op.65 No.1
Ronde burlesque Op.78
Salammbô Suite No.1 Op.76
Salammbô Suite No.2 Op.76
Salammbô Suite No.3 Op.76
Scherzo Vif for Violin and Orchestra Op.59 No.2
Suite sans esprit de suite Op.89
Symphony No.2 Op.137

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