Composers Index

Listing works by Bruch, Max (1838-1920)

Adagio appassionato Op.57
Arminius Op.43
Ave Maria for Cello and Orchestra Op.61
Battle Song (Kriegsgesang) Op.68 No.3
Canzone for Cello and Orchestra Op.55
Concerto for 2 Pianos Op.88a
Dem Kaiser
Die Birken und die Erlen Op.8
Die Loreley Introduction Op.16
Double Concerto for Clarinet, Viola and Orchestra Op.88
Frithjof Op.23
Gruss an die heilige Nacht (Greeting to the Holy Night) Op.62
Hymne Op.64
Kol Nidrei Op.47
Koncertstück for Violin and Orchestra Op.84
Leonidas Op.66
Normannenzug Op.32
Odysseus Op.41
Psalm 23 Op.68 No.2
Romance Op.24
Romance for Violin and Orchestra Op.42
Romanze for Viola and Orchestra Op.85
Rorate Coeli Op.29
Schön Ellen Op.24
Scottish Fantasy Op.46
Serenade for Violin and Orchestra Op.75
Song of the Pirates (Seeräuber-Lied) Op.68 No.1
Suite on Russian Folk Melodies Op.79b
Swedish Dances Series 1 Op.63
Symphony No.1 Op.28
Symphony No.2 Op.36
Symphony No.3 Op.51
Violin Concerto No.1 Op.26
Violin Concerto No.2 Op.44
Violin Concerto No.3 Op.58

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