Composers Index

Listing works by Harbison, John (1938- )

Canonical American Songbook
Closer To My Own Life
Concerto for Bass Viol and Orchestra
Concerto for Double Brass Choir and Orchestra
Darkbloom: Overture for an Imagined Opera
Double Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra
Everyone was here from The Great Gatsby
Five years ago I knew them both from The Great Gatsby
Flower-Fed Buffaloes
Flute Concerto
Full Moon in March
I remember long ago from The Great Gatsby
Juste Judex
Koussevitzky Said
Mirabai Songs
Oboe Concerto
Olympic Dances for Wind Ensemble
Recordare from Versöhnungs Requiem
Remembering Gatsby
Symphony No.1
Symphony No.2
Symphony No.3
Symphony No.4
Symphony No.5
Symphony No.6
The Most Often Used Chords (Concerto for Chamber Orchestra)
The Seven Ages
Viola Concerto

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