Composers Index

Listing works by Daugherty, Michael (1954- )

Asclepius - Fanfare for Brass and Percussion
Bells for Stokowski
Blue Like an Orange
Dead Elvis
Deus Ex Machina for Piano and Orchestra
Fire and Blood
Firecracker (Oboe Concerto)
Gee's Bend
Ghost Ranch
Hell's Angels
Ladder to the Moon
Leap Day
Le Tombeau de Liberace
Letters from Lincoln
Lex (chamber version)
March of the Metro
Motor City Triptych
Mount Rushmore
Once Upon a Castle
Pachelbel's Key
Raise the Roof for Timpani and Orchestra
Route 66
Sinatra Shag
Spaghetti Western
Sunset Strip
Tell My Fortune
Time Machine
Trail of Tears
What's That Spell?

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