Composers Index

Listing works by Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759)

Agrippina HWV 6
Alexander Balus HWV 65
Alexander's Feast HWV 75
Almira HWV1
An Occasional Oratorio HWV 62
Atalanta HMV 35
Athalia HWV 52
Belshazzar HMV 61
Blessed are They that Considereth the Poor (Foundling Hospital Anthem XVI) HWV 268
Concerto in D major HWV 335a
Deborah HWV 51
Deidamia HWV 42
Hercules HWV 60
Il Parnasso in Festa HWV 73
Israel in Egypt HWV 54
Joseph HWV 59
Joshua HWV 54
Judas Maccabeus HWV 63
L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato HWV 55
Messiah (Prout edition) HWV 56
Messiah (Watkins Shaw version) HWV 56
Music for the Royal Fireworks HWV 351
My Heart is Indicting (Coronation Anthemn III) HWV 261
Ode for St Cecilia's Day HWV 76
O Praise the Lord with one consent (Chandos Anthem IX) HMV 254
Overture in D minor arr. Elgar
Riccardo Primo (Richard Coeur de Lion) HWV 23
Rinaldo (1st version) HWV 7a
Saul HWV 53
Semele HWV 58
Sing unto God, ye Kingdoms of the Earth (Chandos Anthem XIV (Wedding Anthem)) HWV 263
Solomon HWV 67
Te Deum "Detingham" HWV 283
The King Shall Rejoice (Dettingen Anthem) HWV 260
Theodora HWV 68
The Triumph of Time and Truth HWV 71
This is the Day which the Lord has Made (Chandos Anthem XIII (Wedding Anthem)) HWV 262
Zadok the Priest (Coronation Anthemn I) HWV 258

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