Composers Index

Listing works by Holst, Gustav (1874-1934)

A Choral Fantasia Op.51
A Fugal Overture Op.40 No.1
A Somerset Rhapsody Op.21
A Song of the Night for Violin and Orchestra
Ben Mora: Oriental Suite in E minor
Christmas Day
Double Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra Op.49
First Choral Symphony Op.41
Invocation for Cello and Orchestra
Japanese Suite
Ode to Death Op.38
Suite de Ballet in Eb Op.10
Suite No.1 in Eb Op.28 No.1
Suite No.2 in F Op.28 No.2
The Golden Goose
The Hymn of Jesus
The Lure
The Morning of the Year
The Mystic Trumpeter Op.18/H.71
The Perfect Fool
The Planets
Three Christmas Carols arr.
Two Songs without Words Op.22

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