Composers Index

Listing works by Ives, Charles (1874-1954)

A Son of a Gambolier
Central Park in the Dark
Charlie Rutlage
Chromâtimelôdtune reconstructed & completed by Gunther Schuller
Country Band March
Decoration Day from New England Holidays
Johnny Poe realized and edited John Kirkpatrick
Lincoln the Great Commoner
March Intercollegiato
Orchestral Set No.2
Overture and March 1776 for Theatre Orchestra
Ragtimes and Dances
Robert Browning Overture
Scherzo (Over the Pavements)
Symphony No.1
Symphony No.2
Symphony No.3 "The Camp Meeting"
Symphony No.4
Thanksgiving and Forefather's Day
The Circus Band
The Fourth of July
The Gong on the Hook and Ladder
The New River
The Pond
"They Are There!"
Three Places in New England
Three Places in New England (1929 reduced orchestration)
Tone Roads No.3
Variations on America orch. William Schuman
Washington's Birthday

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