Composers Index

Listing works by Nielsen, Carl (1865-1931)

Aarhus Landsudstillings Cantata CNW 107
Aladdin Suite Op.34
An Evening at Giske CNW 3
Cantata for the Annual University Commemoration Op.24
Cantata for the Centenary of the Chamber of Commerce Op.31
Cantata for the Centenary of the Polytechnic College CNW 112
Clarinet Concerto Op.57
Commotio Op.58 orch. Hans Abrahamsen
Cupid and the Poet CNW 23
Dance of the Cocks (Hanedans) from Maskarade
Festival Prelude arr. Hans Abrahamsen
Flute Concerto CNW 42
Franz Neruda in Memoriam CNW 109
From Rold to Rebild CNW 22
Gade Centenary Hymn CNW 110
Hagbarth and Signe CNW 12
Helios Overture Op.17
Homage to Holberg CNW 20
Hymn to Art (Hymne til Kunsten) CNW 113
Hymnus Amoris Op.12
Maskarade CNW 2
Maskarade Overture CNW 2
Midsummer Eve Play CNW 13
Music for an Easter Evening (Grundtvig Easter Evening) CNW 24
Native Land CNW 14
Nearer My God to Thee
Pan and Syrinx Op.49
Prelude to Act 2 from Saul and David
Rhapsody Overture - An Imaginary Journey to the Faroe Islands CNW 39
Saga dream Op.39
Saul and David FS 25
Seven Early Songs Op.10 orch. Bo Holten
Sir Oluf He Rides CNW 7
Sleep (Søvnen) Op.18
Snefrid CNW 4
Springtime on Funen Op.42
Symphonic Rhapsody CNW 33
Symphony No.1 Op.7
Symphony No.2 "The Four Temperaments" Op.16
Symphony No.3 "Sinfonia Espansiva" Op.27
Symphony No.4 "The Inextinguishable" Op.29
Symphony No.5 Op.50
Symphony No.6 "Sinfonia Semplice" CNW 30
The Mother Op.41
The Wolf's Son CNW 11
Tove CNW 10
Violin Concerto Op.33
Willemoes CNW 8

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