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Nicolai, Otto

The Merry Wives of Windsor Overture
The Merry Wives of Windsor Overture arr. A. Winter

Nielsen, Carl

Aarhus Landsudstillings Cantata CNW 107
Aladdin Suite Op.34
An Evening at Giske CNW 3
Clarinet Concerto Op.57
Cupid and the Poet CNW 23
Dance of the Cocks (Hanedans) from Maskarade
Flute Concerto CNW 42
Helios Overture Op.17
Hymnus Amoris Op.12
Maskarade CNW 2
Maskarade Overture CNW 2
Nearer My God to Thee
Pan and Syrinx Op.49
Rhapsody Overture - An Imaginary Journey to the Faroe Islands CNW 39
Saga dream Op.39
Saul and David FS 25
Sleep (Søvnen) Op.18
Symphonic Rhapsody CNW 33
Symphony No.1 Op.7
Symphony No.2 "The Four Temperaments" Op.16
Symphony No.3 "Sinfonia Espansiva" Op.27
Symphony No.4 "The Inextinguishable" Op.29
Symphony No.5 Op.50
Symphony No.6 "Sinfonia Semplice" CNW 30 (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Violin Concerto Op.33

Novák, Vítezslav

In the Tatras Op.26