Composers Index

Listing works by Goldmark, Carl (1830-1915)

Gefesselten Prometheus Overture Op.38
Im Frühling (Springtime) Overture Op.36
In Italien Overture Op.49
Penthesilea Overture Op.31
Sakuntala Overture Op.13
Sappho Overture Op.44
Scherzo Op.19
Symphony No.1 "Ländiche Hochzeit" Op.26
Symphony No.2 Op.35
The Queen of Sheba (Die Königin von Saba)
The Queen of Sheba (Die Königin von Saba) Ballet Op.27
The Queen of Sheba (Die Königin von Saba) Overture Op.27
Violin Concerto in A minor Op.28

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