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Gade, Niels

Comala Op.12
Erl King's Daughter Op.30
Hamlet Op.37
Imellem Fjeldene
Im Hochland Op.7
Mariotta Overture
Michel Angelo Op.39
Nachklänge von Ossian Overture Op.1
Psyke Op.60
Sommertag auf dem Lande Op.55
Symphony No.1 Op.5
Symphony No.4 Op.20
Symphony No.5 Op.25
Symphony No.6 Op.32
Symphony No.8 Op.47
Violin Concerto Op.56

German, Edward

Gipsy Suite
Harvest Dance from The Seasons
Nell Gwyn Overture
Pavane from Romeo and Juliet
Symphony No.2 "Norwich"
The Tempter Suite
Three Dances from the Music to Henry VIII
Three Dances from Nell Gwyn
Three Dances from Tom Jones
Welsh Rhapsody
The Yeoman (Essex's Song) from Merrie England

Gernsheim, Friedrich

Germania Op.24
Nordische Sommernacht Op.21
Salamis Op.10
Symphony No.1 Op.32
Symphony No.2 Op.46
Symphony No.3 Op.54
Symphony No.4 Op.62
Violin Concerto No.1 Op.42
Waldmeisters Brautfahrt Op.13
Zu einem Drama Op.82

Gershwin, George

An American in Paris (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Cuban Overture (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)

Glazunov, Alexander

Ballade Op.78
Carnival Op.45
Chopiania Op.46
Concert Waltz No.1 in D major Op.47
Concert Waltz No.2 Op.51
Coronation Cantata Op.56
Cortège solennel Op.50
Dance Scene Op.81
Elegie (To the Memory of a Hero) Op.8
Fantasie Op.53
Finnish Fantasy Op.88
Finnish Sketches Op.89
La Forêt Op.19
From the Middle Ages Suite Op.79
Introduction and Dance of Salomé Op.90
The Kremlin Op.30
Marche sur un thème russe Op.76
Mazurka Op.18
Oriental Rhapsody Op.29
Overture No.1 Op.3
Overture No.2 Op.6
Paraphrase on the Hymn of the Allies Op.96
Pas de caractère Op.68
Piano Concerto No.1 in F minor Op.92
Poème lyrique Op.12
Raymonda Suite Op.57a
Reverie for Horn and Orchestra Op.24
Romantic Intermezzo Op.69
Ruses d'Amour Op.61
The Sea Op.28
The Seasons Op.67
Serenade No.1 Op.7
The Song of Destiny Op.84
Spring Op.34
Stenka Razine Op.13
Suite Caractéristique Op.9
Symphony No.1 Op.5
Symphony No.2 Op.16
Symphony No.3 Op.33
Symphony No.4 Op.48
Symphony No.5 Op.55
Symphony No.6 Op.58
Symphony No.7 Op.77
Symphony No.8 Op.83
Two Preludes Op.85
Violin Concerto Op.82
Wedding March Op.21

Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich

Caprice brillant (Jota Aragonesa)
A Life for the Tsar - No.7 Dance
A Life for the Tsar Overture
Prince Kholmsky
Prince Kholmsky Overture
Ruslan and Ludmila
Ruslan and Ludmila Overture
Souvenir d'une Nuit d'ete à Madrid (Souvenirs of a Summer Night in Madrid)

Gluck, Christoph Willibald

Armide Wq.45
Iphigenie en Aulide Overture
Iphigenie en Aulide Wq.40
Iphigénie en Tauride Wq.46
Orfeo ed Euridice Overture
Orfeo ed Euridice Wq.30
Paride ed Elena Wq.39

Goldmark, Carl

Gefesselten Prometheus Overture Op.38
Im Frühling (Springtime) Overture Op.36
In Italien Overture Op.49
Penthesilea Overture Op.31
The Queen of Sheba (Die Königin von Saba)
The Queen of Sheba (Die Königin von Saba) Ballet Op.27
The Queen of Sheba (Die Königin von Saba) Overture Op.27
Sakuntala Overture Op.13
Scherzo Op.19
Symphony No.1 "Ländiche Hochzeit" Op.26
Symphony No.2 Op.35

Gounod, Charles

Ah! Levetoi, Soleil from Romeo and Juliet
Faust Ballet Music
Funeral March of a Marionette
Je veux vivre from Romeo and Juliette
Jewel Song fom Faust
Romeo and Juliet Ballet Music
Soldiers Chorus from Faust
Symphony No.1
Symphony No.2
Le veux d'or from Faust
Vous que faites l'endormie from Faust

Gouvy, Louis Théodore

Le dernier Hymne d'Ossian Op.15
Hymne et Marche Op.35
Polyxena Op.88
Symphonie brève Op.58
Symphony No.1 Op.9
Symphony No.2 Op.12
Symphony No.3 Op.20
Symphony No.4 Op.25
Symphony No.7 Op.87

Grieg, Edvard

Bergliot Op.42
Henrik Wergeland
In Autumn Overture Op.11
Landerkennung Op.31
Norwegian Dances Op.35
Old Norwegian Romance with Variations Op.51
Peer Gynt Incidental Music
Peer Gynt Suite No.1 Op.46
Peer Gynt Suite No.2 Op.55
Piano Concerto Op.16
Sigurd Jorsalfar: 3 Orchestral Pieces Op.56
Symphonic Dances Op.64
Symphony in C minor
Wedding Day at Troldhaugen arr. Theo M. Tobani

Griffes, Charles Tomlinson

The Pleasure Dome of Kubla Khan Op.8
Poem for Flute and Orchestra (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
The White Peacock Op.7 No.1

Guilmant, Alexandre

Symphony No.2 for Organ and Orchestra Op.91