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Eisler, Hanns

Am ersten Mai gehn Vater und Mutter (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Bilder aus der 'Kriegsfibel' (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Bühnenmusik zu 'Furcht und Elend des dritten Reiches' (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Kleine Symphonie Op.29 (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Lenin (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Lied der Tankisten (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Lied vom Subbotnik (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Linker Marsch (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Marsch der Zeit (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Musik zu den 'Gesichten der Simone Machard' (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Die Mutter Op.25 (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Regimenter gehn (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)
Schweyk im zweiten Weltkrieg (This work is public domain in the USA and Canada only)

Elgar, Edward

Beau Brummel Minuet (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Cello Concerto Op.85
Cockaigne Overture Op.40
Contrasts Op.10 No.3
Coronation March Op.65
Coronation Ode Op.44
Dream Children Op.43
The Dream of Gerontius Op.38
The Empire March (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Enigma Variations Op.36
Falstaff Op.68
Froissart Op.19
Imperial March Op.32
Incidental Music and Funeral March from Grania and Diarmid Op.42
In the South (Alassio) Op.50
The Kingdom Op.51
The Light of Life Op.29
May Song
Mazurka Op.10 No.1
Meditation from The Light of Life Op.29
The Music Makers Op.69
Nursery Suite (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Polonia Op.76
Pomp and Circumstance March No.1 Op.39 No.1
Pomp and Circumstance March No.2 Op.39 No.2
Pomp and Circumstance March No.3 Op.39 No.3
Pomp and Circumstance March No.4 Op.39 No.4
Pomp and Circumstance March No.5 Op.39 No.5 (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Romance for Bassoon Op.62
Sea Pictures Op.37
Serenade Mauresque Op.10 No.2
Sevillaña (Scène Espagnole) Op.7
The Smoking Cantata
Sursum Corda Op.11
Symphony No.1 Op.55
Symphony No.2 Op.63
Sérénade lyrique
Violin Concerto Op.61
The Wand of Youth Suite No.1 Op.1a
The Wand of Youth Suite No.2 Op.1b