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Wagner, Richard

Christoph Columbus Overture
Concert Overture in C major
Concert Overture in D minor
A Faust Overture
Die Feen
Die Feen Overture
The Flying Dutchman (Das Fliegende Holländer)
The Flying Dutchman Overture
Grosser Festmarsch (American Centennial March)
Die Hochzeit
Kaiser March
Das Liebesmahl der Apostel
Das Liebesverbot
Das Liebesverbot Overture
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Overture
Parsifal - Karfreitagszauber (Good Friday Spell)
Parsifal - Prelude
Polonia Overture
Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan and Isolde
Das Rheingold
Rienzi Overture
Rule Britannia!
Siegfried's Rhine Journey from Götterdämmerung
Symphony in C major
Tannhäuser Overture
Tristan and Isolde
Waldweben from Siegfried
Die Walküre

Waldteufel, Emile

Acclamations Waltz Op.233
Arc En Ciel
Dans les Nuages Waltz Op.208
Douces Paroles
Un Doux Poëme Op.249
La Fiancée Waltz Op.245
Je t'aime Op.177
Joie Envolée Op.198
Long champs fleuri waltz Op.254
Les Patineurs (Skaters Waltz) Op.183
Un Premier Bouquet Waltz Op.201
Soirée d'Été (A Summer Evening Waltz) Op.188

Walton, William

Crown Imperial


Weber, Carl Maria von

Abu Hassan Overture
Adagio and Rondo J.115
Bassoon Concerto Op.75
Beherrscher der Geister (The Ruler of the Spirits) Overture
Clarinet Concerto No.1 Op.73
Clarinet Concerto No.2 Op.74
Concertino for Horn and Orchestra Op.45
Concertino in Eb major for Clarinet and Orchestra Op.26
Concerto (Fantasie) for Cello and Orchestra Op.20
Euryanthe Overture
Der Freischütz
Der Freischütz Overture
Invitation to the Dance Op.65 orch. Felix Weingartner
Invitation to the Dance Op.65 orch. Berlioz
Jubel Overture Op.59
Konzertstück in F minor for Piano and Orchestra Op.79
Oberon Overture
Piano Concerto No.2 Op.32
Preziosa Overture Op.78
Scena ed Aria d'Italie (Misera mei!) Op.50
Silvana Overture
Symphony No.1

Webern, Anton

5 Stücke (Five Pieces) Op.10 (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
6 Stücke (Six Pieces) 1909 version Op.6
6 Stücke (Six Pieces) 1928 reduced version Op.6 (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Cantata No.1 Op.29 (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Cantata No.2 Op.31 (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Four Songs for Voice and Orchestra Op.13 (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Im Sommerwind (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)
Passacaglia Op.1
Variations Op.30 (This work is public domain everywhere except the USA)

Weill, Kurt

Das Berliner Requiem

Wells, Jessica

Widor, Charles-Marie

Chorale and Variations for Harp and Orchestra Op.74
La Korricane Ballet Suite
La Nuit de Walpurgis Op.60
Ouverture Espagnole
Piano Concerto No.1 Op.39
Les Pêcheurs de Saint-Jean Symphonic Fragments
Sinfonia Sacra for Organ and Orchestra Op.81
Symphony No.1 Op.16
Symphony No.3 for Organ and Orchestra Op.69
Toccata from Organ Symphony No.5 Op.42 No.1 arr. Michael Rondeau

Wieniawski, Henryk

Fantasia on Themes from Faust Op.20
Légende Op.17
Polonaise Brillante No.2 Op.21
Violin Concerto No.2 Op.22

Williams, John

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (In Concert)

Wolf, Hugo

Musik zu Ibsens Schauspiel 'Das Fest auf Solhaug'
Scherzo and Finale